Clone Algo

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الأعمال التجارية الشؤون المالية
المطور: Clone Algo

Clone Algo Smartphone Application
Make most of your every single penny with the Clone Algo Smartphone Application for investment in Stocks. It is based on a revolutionary concept of artificial intelligence based algorithms that can be cloned as per your preferences.
Incredibly easy to use
Trade while on the move
Choose algorithms from a fairly large list of options
Track the latest rates and monitor the market movements
Get updates on markets and indices
Monitor your withdrawals, deposits, current balance, profit, loss and other statistics at the dashboard.
Monitor the progress of your investments using a detailed view
Track the history of your activities
Algo TV
To get started, download the app, fund your account and start trading with it. You can track an algorithm live to assess its performance. Depending on the performance of some individual algorithms over some time, you can choose the one which works the best for you.